School Support Team

Your children spend a great deal of their lives at school.  We want you to know that we are here to support and care for your students while they are at school. Please feel free to contact any of us with questions or concerns. 

In addition to the team below, all teachers and staff at Notre Dame Academy have an open door policy and welcome conversations with students at any time. 

Kim Rae, School Counsellor/Teacher

ext: 1608

Mrs. Rae's office is a safe place to chat about anything that might be going on for students related to family, school or friends.  She will work with students and families to find strategies to support them. 

Monique Hosanee, Learning Services Facilitator

Ext. 1611

Mrs. Hosanee assists schools in meeting the needs of diverse learners. She helps to organize, maintain, and integrate services in the school. She consults with teachers to support students learning in the classroom, assists with support plans and can provide assessment to understand a students learning profile. She is a major link to access supports at a district level. 

Kim Letkeman, Resource Resiliency Worker

P.A.S.E. room (Purse Achievement through Self-regulation and Education)

ext 1624

The PASE room is a “one stop shop” for student support at NDA. Students must go through a referral process in order to access the PASE room for curriculum, social/emotional or behavioural supports. Individual support plans are created to help students to be successful and achieve their goals. 

Ashley Fischer, Wellness Facilitator with Community Coming Together (CCT)

Ext 1610

CCT is a mental health capacity-building initiative within MHCBE schools that works to promote positive mental health in children, youth, families, and community. Your student may see Mrs. Fischer in their classroom providing mental health education, coordinating skill building groups at the school or attending taking part in community activities. 

Lori-Ann Sawatsky, School Liaison Counsellor/Canadian Certified Counsellor

Ext. 1605

Lori-Ann is at Notre Dame on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. She receives referrals from Mrs Rae and works one-on-one to support the mental health of students who might need a little extra support. She also helps connect students and family to community resources.